choosing red lipstick

How to choose a red lipstick

Don't know what colour red suits you best? Find out which red lipstick you should wear to look sexy and radiant in our Sam Parfums post.

Red symbolises fire, power, seduction.has been used for centuries as a sign of empowerment. Every woman who wears red lips always attracts attention, because its use has an incredible power of seduction if you know how to wear it with elegance and distinction. 

Still, there are those who are shy, timid or, even more simply, afraid of this power, they are not clear about which shade of red suits them best. And that is precisely the greatest virtue and, at the same time, the greatest weakness of wearing this type of lipstick: if you wear the right shade, you will look powerful, bright and seductive. But if you wear something that doesn't quite harmonise with you, you may not achieve the effect you're looking for. 

But don't worry, at Sam Parfums we are going to explain you some basics about how to choose a red lipstick. and keys to choose yours without hesitation.

A bit of colour theory

Each skin is different and requires specific care and, above all, a great deal of pampering and affection if we want to look rested for many years. 

When classifying skinsIn addition to classifying its type according to the effects of various elements on it (combination, oily or dry), we must also classify it according to its tone.

In fact, within the same black or white skin, we can find different shades of pink or yellow. And these tones are basically divided into two large groups: warm tones and cool tones.

What are warm tones?

Before we start defining, let's place here the colour wheel that we are all familiar with:

colour temperature

As you can see, the black line divides the circle into two zones, taking the lightest colour (yellow) and the darkest colour (purple) of the primary and secondary colour wheel as extremes:

  • Cool colours are those on the left of the wheel, i.e. those containing the colour blue in their composition. Subjectively, these colours are considered to convey a feeling of "low temperature".
  • Warm coloursOn the contrary, they are those that contain red in their composition and are subjectively considered as "high temperature" when related to fire and the like. 

Well, with these two concepts clear, let's move on to the next point.

How do you know if your skin tone is warm or cool?

Yes, your skin type can also be warm or cool depending on its tone. 

Skins also tend to have a certain chromatic variety, from very light to very dark. But they also have pink or yellow undertones. This is very important to know because this is where we will find the red lipstick colours that suit you best. (and by the way, the colours of clothes that suit you best).

This is easy to see with a simple test:

  • Look at the back of your wrists - are your veins green or blue? 
  • If they are green, you have a yellow skin undertone (green is the result of the blue in your veins and the yellow in your skin). On the other hand, if they look blue, your undertone is pink (and probably very pale). 
choose red lipstick shade

How to choose the right red lipstick?

Once you have passed the wrist test you have two options: either your skin undertone is yellow or pink. 

What do we do now? Go straight to the variety of reds we can have on the market. 

  • If your skin undertone is yellowThis means that those colours that belong to the right side of our chromatic circle are more favourable for you. Oranges, reds, violets, in other words, anything with red as a common denominator is your ally. If we apply this to lipsticks, you will see that many of them contain a variety of very interesting tones, but the ones that will really suit you are those that do not contain any type of blue base (a coral, for example). Pinks won't be your strong suit either, but natural reds and, above all, violet lipsticks will be a great relief, as will wine or cranberry tones.
  • If your skin undertone is pinkyou are of the other team, of those whose ally is the colour blue, or the left side of the chromatic circle. Therefore, anything with this colour as a base will be very flattering for you. Coral colours and, in short, those with pink in them will give you a special glow and, if you want to give it a perfect final complement, add silver jewellery to your look, as it will highlight your natural blush even more.

In Sam Parfums, whatever your undertone, we have the perfect lipstick for you. Visit us now at our website and check out our make-up section to start wearing red, we're waiting for you!

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